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Показано 200 страниц из 5256, находящихся в данной категории.
(Предыдущая страница) (Следующая страница)1
- 1 января 1924 (Мандельштам)
- 10 стихов александравведенского (Введенский)
- 13 ч. ночи (Антокольский)
- 14 октября 2017 г., в канун д. р. М. Ю. Лермонтова (Алла Ивашинцова)
- 1469. «Крушение на мели Мысль» (Дикинсон/Василой)
- 15 мудрых поучений (Пригов)
- 17 хайку или цикл Времён Года (Вулрич/Смирнов)
- 1965 (Еремеев)
- 1st Sonata in F minor, Op. 2/1 (1794-5)
- A Christmas Wish in a cold morning (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Abélard et d’Héloïse (2023)(Mikhaïl Bogatyrev)
- Ah, notre vie tournoie follement (Kniazev/Athanase Vantchev de Thracy)
- Ah, our life flies (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Album "O. Platonova: Les icônes" (2022)(Богатырев)
- Alfred Schnittke: A Man in Between (Ivashkin)
- I go out alone on the flint road (Lermontov/Smirnov)
- AMOROSO (Алиса Клио)
- An Bruno Kreisky (Herschkowitz)
- An George Perle (Herschkowitz)
- An Hans Erich Apostel (Herschkowitz)
- An Hanspeter Krellmann (Herschkowitz)
- An Heinrich Böll (Herschkowitz)
- An infinite scent of the sphere (Ivashintsova/Smirnov)
- An Josef Polnauer (Herschkowitz)
- An Jurij Cholopow (Herschkowitz)
- An Robert Merkin (Herschkowitz)
- An Siegfried Oehlgießer (Herschkowitz)
- An Tichon Chrennikow (Herschkowitz)
- And Time stood still
- Another Garden
- Apsirgti meile... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- As with wind's disturbance (Kniazev/Shambat)
- At the concert in "Barbican" (Smirnov-Sadovsky)
- Atminimas tolimos vaikystės (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- ATSISVEIKINIMO TANGO (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Attempted Jealousy (Tsvetaeva/Kline)
- Atverti knygą... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Aus Briefen an Leopold Spinner (Herschkowitz)
- Aus einem Brief an Leonid Breschnew (Herschkowitz)
- BALTOJI NAKTIS (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Basas einu žole... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Beethoven seine Fünfte Symphonie anders Betrachtet (Herschkowitz)
- Beethovensche formale Bifunktionalität und Beethovensche Doppelform (Herschkowitz)
- Behold the wind (Blok/Smirnov)
- Blake's Job: A Message for Our Time by Andrew Solomon
- Blok — a king (Mandelstam/Smirnov)
- Blue notebook No. 10
- Brandmal (Paul Celan)
- Buvusią meilę suku užmiršti... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- CAMERA-TON: Попытка диалексики с композитором Д.Смирновым-Садовским
- The Christmas trees are shining (Mandelstam/Smirnov)
- Cloud embraces the top of the mountain (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Complete Nonsense poems
- Corpses of souls are floating (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Dangaus tamsą pervėrė... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- DE MORTUIS (Алиса Клио)
- De quoi a besoin une femme ? (Kniazev/Athanase Vantchev de Thracy)
- Deux machos enfiévrés dansent le tango (Kniazev/Athanase Vantchev de Thracy)
- Di – stance: versts, miles
- Die Form des letzten Satzes der Eroica (Herschkowitz)
- Die tonalen Quellen des Schönbergschen Zwölftonsystem
- Die tonalen Quellen des Schönbergschen Zwölftonsystem (Herschkowitz)
- Din ceas, dedus
- The distant and obscure sound (Mandelstam/Smirnov)
- Dmitri N. Smirnov/Three Portraits, op. 168a
- Hagia Sophia
- Insomnia. Homer. The rows of stretched sails
- The dull air is moist and resounding (Mandelstam)
- Four illustrations of that how a new idea strikes a person unprepared for it
- Fragmente zu "Tonalität und Zwölftonsystem"
- Fragmente zu "Tonalität und Zwölftonsystem" (Herschkowitz)
- The freshly cut ears
- From Jewish Folk Poetry, Op.79
- From the pool of light, suddenly (Mandelstam/Kline)
- From the semi-dark hall, suddenly (Mandelstam/Smirnov)
- I am and I have always been (Molodyi)
- I am free in my art and in my loves (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- I string my days-pearls on a thread (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- I weave chords into music (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Immer lichter wie er leuchtet...
- Impromtu (Леся Украинка)
- Interview mit Philip Herschkowitz für den Österreichischen Rundfunk (Herschkowitz)
- Intreccio gli accordi, creando (Kniazev/Irtuga)
- It is as if I have forgotten what I wanted to say
- I’m given a body — what to do with thee (Mandelstam/Smirnov)
- La Métamorphose de Narcisse
- La nuvola abbraccia la cima della montagna (Kniazev/Santoliquido)
- La revue « Stéthoscope ». Colonne de l'éditeur / Журнал «Стетоскоп». Колонка редактора (Богатырев)
- Les abstractions calligraphiques (2023)(Mikhaïl Bogatyrev)
- LES GARES DU NORD ad hoc /album photo (2024)(Mikhaïl Bogatyrev)
- Les gargouilles hurlent dans les flammes (Kniazev/Athanase Vantchev de Thracy)
- Les réflexions du miroir (1994-2024)(Mikhaïl Bogatyrev)
- Les symptômes de cruciformité (2014) (Mikhaïl Bogatyrev)
- Letter 8th May 2009 to Dmitri Smirnov
- The Light Moscow Rain
- Like a snake hiding in myself
- Like a stove scattering the ashes
- List of works by Philip Herschkowitz
- L’archimandrite Euthyme et l’église Notre-Dame de Kazan (Bogatyrev)
- L’archimandrite Euthyme et l’église Notre-Dame de Kazan. Description des fresques du moine Grégoire Krug(Bogatyrev)
- March 8
- Meilė nėra pastovi... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Memento Mori (Дарли/Смирнов)
- Mitrich+B. Книги о художниках (1997) (Mikhaïl Bogatyrev)
- MM001
- MM002
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- MM039
- MM040
- More sluggish the snowy hive (Mandelstam/Kline)
- Moscow Notebooks
- My Blake
- My Blake/1
- My Blake/2
- My Blake/3
- My Pretty Rose Tree/Гусманов
- Mystical tango (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Mėnulio spinduliai bemiegiai... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Mėnulio šviesybėj... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Nereikia gailėt praeities (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)
- Night. City calmed down
- The night, street, chemist shop, & lantern (Blok/Smirnov)
- Non omnis moriar (Гинчанка/Юнг)
- Notebook I (1980/1—1982 — Denisov)/101—150
- Notebook I (1980/1—1982 — Denisov)/151—200
- Notebook I (1980/1—1982 — Denisov)/51—100
- Notebooks (Denisov)
- Officium (Еремеев)
- Olga Platonova
- Olga Platonova (Богатырев)
- On Bach’s Second Violin Partita
- On Parting
- On Shostakovich's "Jewish Songs" Op.79 (Smirnov)
- On the pale-blue enamel (Mandelstam/Kline)
- Once again the air (Kniazev/Smirnov)
- Only to read childrens’ books (Mandelstam/Kline)
- Oras įjautrintas vėl... (Kniazev/Pranciška Regina Liubertaitė)