О Музыке, книга четвёртая (Гершкович)

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Uber Musik / О Музыке (Филип Моисеевич Гершкович)
Book 4 / книга четвёртая

О Музыке, книга четвёртая






On Herschkowitz — О Гершковиче

References — Литература

  • Herschkowitz, Philipp: On music. Books I–IV. Ed. L. Herschkowitz, Moscow, 1991–7 (collected writings in Russian, but some fragments in English and German)
  • Dmitri Smirnov: A Geometer of Sound Crystals – A Book on Herschkowitz: by Verlag Ernst Kuhn – Berlin in 2003 (in English)
  • Yuri Kholopov: Philip Gershkovich’s search for the lost essence of music; also: List of Philip Gershkovich’s musicological research studies; List of Philip Gershkovich’s musical compositions; Some of Philip Gershkovich’s aphorisms. In: «Ex oriente...III» Eight Composers from the former USSR Philip Gershkovich, Boris Tishchenko, Leonid Grabovsky, Alexander Knaifel, Vladislav Shoot, Alexander Vustin, Alexander Raskatov, Sergei Pavlenko. Edited by Valeria Tsenova. English edition only. (studia slavica musicologica, Bd. 31) Verlag Ernst Kuhn – Berlin ISBN 3-928864-92-0
  • Klaus Linder: Philip Herschkowitz: article in Grove Dictionary of Music
  • Hanspeter Krellman: Anton Webern in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Hamburg, 1975)
  • Hermann Scherchen: Aus meinem Leben, Rußland in jenen Jahren: Erinnerungen, ed. E. Klemm (Berlin, 1984)