Книга Уризена
Книга Уризена , пер. Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р. 1948) |
Лист 1 → |
Язык оригинала: английский. Название в оригинале: The Book of Urizen. — Дата создания: ок. 1794. |
[Первая] Книга Уризена / The [First] Book of Urizen. Поэма принадлежит к циклу «малых пророчеств» и является частью так называемой «Библии Ада», обещанной автором в книге «Бракосочетание Рая и Ада». Книга датирована Блейком 1794-ым годом. Известно восемь копий, в которых от 24 до 28 листов. Каждая из этих копий уникальна и отличается от других. Количество и порядок листов варьируются из-за изменений, вносимых в уже награвированную поэму. Некоторые листы из некоторых копий были изъяты автором, другие же – добавлены, но не во все копии. В нумерации листов и глав также имееются различия. Вероятно, планировалось несколько «Книг Уризена», но в конце концов Блейк ограничился этой одной. В двух копиях (A и G) слово “First” (Первая) в названии стёрто. Копия E была продана в 1999-ом году в Нью-Йорке на аукционе Сотбис (англ. Sotheby's) частному коллекционеру, пожелавшему остаться неизвестным, за рекордно высокую цену для книг Уильяма Блейка: 2,5 миллионов долларов США. Другие 7 копий находятся в различных музеях и публичных собраниях мира: 5 в США, 1 в Англии и 1 в Австрии (более подробно см. ниже). Местонахождение девятой копии (K) до сих пор остаётся неизвестным. Существуют также две пробные копии, содержащие всего 3 (Копия H) и 2 (Копия I) листа.
Copy A, 1794
- Number of Objects 28
- Object Order Bentley Plates 1, 2, 22, 24, 3, 4, 12, 5-7, 17, 8, 10, 11, 14, 13, 18, 21, 19, 15, 16, 20, 9, 23, 26, 25, 28, 27
- Yale Center for British Art
- Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Copy B, 1795
- Number of Objects 28
- Object Order Bentley Plates 1-4, 14, 5-7, 10, 12, 8, 11, 22, 13, 9, 15, 16, 18, 17, 19, 24, 20, 21, 23, 25-28
- Morgan Library and Museum
- New York City, USA
Copy C, 1794
- Number of Objects 25
- Object Order Bentley Plates 1-4, 12, 5, 6, 9-11, 13, 22, 15, 14, 18, 17, 19, 21, 20, 23, 27, 24-26, 28
- Yale Center for British Art
- Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Copy D, 1794
- Number of Objects 26
- Object Order Bentley Plates 1-3, 5-15, 17-28
- British Museum, Dept. of Prints and Drawings
- London, UK
Copy E, 1794
- Number of Objects 24
- Private Collection
Copy F, 1794
- Number of Objects 26
- Object Order Bentley Plates 1-3, 5, 12, 6, 7, 14, 10, 8, 9, 11, 13, 22, 15, 18, 17, 19-21, 23-28
- Houghton Library
- Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Copy G, c. 1818
- Number of Objects 27
- Object Order Bentley Plates 1-3, 9, 5, 12, 6, 14, 7, 8, 22, 10, 11, 16, 13, 15, 17-21, 23, 27, 24-26, 28
- Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress
- Washington D.C., USA
Copy J, 1794
- Number of Objects 25
- Object Order Bentley plates 1-3, 14, 5-7, 12, 10, 11, 22, 13, 9, 15, 18, 19, 17, 20, 21, 23, 27, 26, 25, 24, 28
- Albertina Museum
- Vienna, Austria
Copy K, possibly 1794 or later
- Untraced
Книга эта является иронической версией «Бытия» из Моисеева Пятикнижия: от сотворения Уризеном материального мира до начала «исхода» его потомков из Египта.
Сюжет таков: Уризен — бог разума, который отделил себя от других Бессмертных, требует подчинения принципам, провозглашённым им самим, и «впадает» в Хаос,становясь абстрактным, самовлюблённым и карающим божеством. Лос (Вечный Пророк или Божественное Вдохновение) создаёт для Уризена телесную форму, но, утомлённый трудами, сам раздваивается на мужское (Лос) и женское (Энитармон). У них рождается сын Орк (воплощение взбунтовавшаяся энергии), которого они приковывают к скале за непослушание. Уризен исследует созданный им самим мир и приходит в ужас. Его дети, представляющие собой четыре стихии этого мира, «усыхают» до тех пор, пока не изобретают для себя собственную смерть.
Человечество лишается Вечности. Идеи поэмы перекликаются с учениями неоплатоников, гностиков, алхимиков и трудами Якоба Бёме, а также с «Потерянным Раем» Мильтона. Поэма написана свободным анапестическим триметром.
Лист 1 – титульный. Остальные листы, пропущенные в тексте (9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27), содержат только иллюстрации.
The First Book of Urizen (Composed 1794)
With its double columns of text and divisions into chapters and verses, the format of The [First] Book of Urizen indicates its close relationship to the Bible. The poem is in many respects a heterodox rewriting of Genesis, one in which the creation of the universe is seen as a fall into materiality and its abstract laws. The process is initiated by Urizen when he separates himself from his fellow "Eternals" and thereby creates difference, absence, and self-consciousness. As Urizen falls into this void of his own making, Los reacts by building a material and temporal base below which Urizen cannot descend. Through this narrative of ultimate origins, Blake explores fundamental epistemological and ontological issues.
Blake etched in shallow relief the twenty-eight plates of The [First] Book of Urizen in 1794, although only Copies A and B contain them all. In the same year, he printed proof Copies H and I (only 3 and 2 plates respectively) and Copies A, C-F, and J. Copy B was printed in 1795 and Copy G in 1818. Bentley Plate 4 appears only in Copies A-C (an impression was pulled for Copy G but not included). The full-page designs are differently positioned in each copy; Copies A, B, E, and F also have variant orders of text plates.
This book was printed by Blake on 28 plates (but some of copies contain 24 plates). There are 7(8) copies known.
The word "First" was erased from the title "The Book of Urizen" in the later copies, and the sequel was named "The Book of Ahania" (1795). "The Book of Los" (1795) is closely related.
"Urizen" was pronounced by Blake with stress on the first syllable. Urizen received much of his characterization from popular conceptions of Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament. The name may came from "You Reason" or "Your Reason", i.e., the accepted wisdom of the age; or from the Greek horizein, "to set limits"; or, conceivably, from both equally. Not a benevolent character, Urizen oppresses Orc, who embodies revolutionary passion and creativity, and who serves as a suffering saviour figure. He is also an enemy of Luvah, the spirit of love.
As S. Foster Damon noted: "He is the southern Zoa, who symbolizes Reason. But he is much more that we commonly understand by "reason": he is the limiter of Energy, the lawmaker, and the avenging conscience. He is a plowman, a builder, a driver of the sun-chariot. His art is architecture, his sense is Sight, his metal is Gold, his element is Air. His Emanation is Ahania (pleasure); his contrary, in the north, is Urthona (the Imagination)." A Blake Dictionary, Brown University Press, Providence, Rhode Island, 1965/1973, p. 419.
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COPY INFORMATION The First Book of Urizen Copy A (Composed 1794) Information Title The First Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake
Blake is named as the printer on the title page, but he is also the "publisher." Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date 1794 Number of Objects 28 Object Order Bentley Plates 1, 2, 22, 24, 3, 4, 12, 5-7, 17, 8, 10, 11, 14, 13, 18, 21, 19, 15, 16, 20, 9, 23, 26, 25, 28, 27
Bentley page 169, note 2, records another plate order based on clear offsets: Bentley Plates 1, 2, 22, 24, 3, 4, 12, 6, 17, 10, 11, 8, 14, 13, 18, 21, 19, 15, 16, 20, 9, 23, 26, 25, 28, 5, 7, 27. Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 28 Leaf Size 25.4 x 18.0 cm. Medium relief etching, color printed with hand coloring Printing Style relief Ink Color orangish yellow ochre Support wove paper Watermark I Taylor
The watermark appears only on Object 20 (Bentley Plate 15). Bentley page 169, note 1, points out that the paper on which Objects 6 and 12 (Bentley Plates 4 and 8) are printed is "conspicuously heavier" than other leaves. Etched Numbers none Penned Numbers Objects 2, 6, 8, and 28 (Bentley Plates 2, 4, 5, and 27) are numbered 1, 3, 6, and 24 top right in red ink.
Partly erased numbers or fragments of numbers appear top right on Objects 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15, and 21 (Bentley Plates 22, 24, 3, 12, 6, 14, and 23); other plates show evidence of erasure. Frame Lines none Binding red straight-grained morocco Stab Holes none
The First Book of Urizen Copy B (Composed 1794) Information Title The First Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake
Blake is named on the title page as the printer, but he is also the "publisher." Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date 1795 Number of Objects 28 Object Order Bentley Plates 1-4, 14, 5-7, 10, 12, 8, 11, 22, 13, 9, 15, 16, 18, 17, 19, 24, 20, 21, 23, 25-28
This order of the plates is confirmed by offsets and by Blake's numbers. Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 28 Leaf Size 37.4 x 27.1 cm. Medium relief etching with hand coloring Printing Style relief Ink Color Object 2 (Bentley Plate 2) in green ink, all others in black ink with a brownish or greenish hue on some plates Support wove paper Watermark 1794 I Taylor and 1794 J Whatman
The Taylor watermark appears in the leaves bearing Objects 10, 14, 21, and 25 (Bentley Plates 12, 13, 24, and 25); the Whatman watermark appears in the leaves bearing Objects 18 and 26 (Bentley Plates 18 and 26). Etched Numbers none Penned Numbers 1-28
The numbers appear top right on each plate. Frame Lines none Binding loose
formerly bound in half red morocco over gray-brown boards Stab Holes originally stabbed through three holes, 11.4 cm. from the top and 7.7 and 6.7 cm. apart Provenance Name Morgan Library and Museum Date 1972 Dealer none Price gift
Acquired, probably directly from Blake, by the artist George Romney; by inheritance in 1802 to his son, John Romney; sold from John Romney's estate, Christie's, 9 May 1834, lot 83, with a copy (probably A) of America (£1.4s. to the dealer R. H. Evans); probably Isaac D'Israeli; his son, Benjamin Disraeli, the Earl of Beaconsfield, probably by inheritance in 1848; sold by the Earl of Beaconsfield, Sotheby's, 20 March 1882, lot 60 (£59 to the dealer Ellis and White); acquired by Bernard Buchanan Macgeorge by 1892; sold from the Macgeorge estate, Sotheby's, 1 July 1924, lot 117 (£580 to the dealer Gabriel Wells, probably acting for Alfred Edward Newton); sold from Newton's estate, Parke-Bernet, 16 April 1941, lot 131 ($8250 to the dealer A. S. W. Rosenbach, probably acting for Mrs. Landon K. Thorne); given by Thorne in 1972 to the Pierpont Morgan Library. Present Location
Institution Morgan Library and Museum Department Department of Printed Books and Bindings Accession number PML 63139 Contact Information See Contributing Collections under About the Archive The First Book of Urizen Copy B (Printed 1795) G R ?
Illuminated Books Commercial Book Illustrations Separate Prints and Prints in Series Drawings and Paintings Manuscripts and Typographic Works All Works Archive Exhibitions 100 DPI 300 DPI
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THE FIRST BOOK of URIZEN, Object 1 (Bentley 1, Erdman 1, Keynes 1), 14.9 x 10.3 cm. ©
PRELUDIUM TO THE BOOK OF URIZEN Object 2 (Bentley 2, Erdman 2, Keynes 2) Next Add To Lightbox Rotate Magnify True Size Enlargement Diplomatic Transcription Objects in Copy Objects from the Same Matrix Copy Information Electronic Edition Information
The First Book of Urizen Copy C (Composed 1794) Information Title The First Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake
Blake is named on the title page as the printer of the work, but he is also the "publisher." Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date 1794 Number of Objects 25 Object Order Bentley Plates 1-4, 12, 5, 6, 9-11, 13, 22, 15, 14, 18, 17, 19, 21, 20, 23, 27, 24-26, 28
As previously bound, the volume included an additional impression of Bentley Plate 2 following the title page. This was added by a previous owner and was not part of Blake's original collation of the copy. Accordingly, this additional impression of Bentley Plate 2 is not included. Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 25 Leaf Size 30.3 x 24.3 cm. Medium relief etching, color printed with hand coloring Printing Style relief Ink Color green and orangish yellow ochre
The texts and accompanying interlinear motifs on Objects 1 and 2 (Bentley Plates 1 and 2) are printed in yellow ochre, but in green on all other plates bearing texts. The designs, both full-page designs and those on plates bearing texts, are color printed in a variety of colors, with yellow ochre one of the dominant hues. Support wove paper Watermark none Penned Numbers none Frame Lines none Binding loose, matted
previously bound in brown morocco Stab Holes none Provenance Name Yale Center for British Art Date 1978 Dealer none Price gift
The dealer John Pearson, who offered the volume for sale in 1854; Thomas Gaisford, who sold it at Sotheby's, 23 April 1890, lot 191 (£66 to "Nugent," probably a dealer); the Britwell Court Library of Sydney Richardson Christie-Miller; by inheritance in 1931 to S. V. Christie-Miller; sold after S. V. Christie-Miller's death, Sotheby's, 29 March 1971, lot 35 (£24,000 to the dealer Wynne Jeudwine for a consortium headed by the dealer John Baskett); sold by Baskett to Paul Mellon in spring 1972; given by Mellon to the Yale Center for British Art in 1978. Present Location
Institution Yale Center for British Art Department Department of Prints and Drawings Accession number B1978.43.1419-1444 Contact Information See Contributing Collections under About the Archive The First Book of Urizen Copy C (Printed 1794) G R ?
Illuminated Books Commercial Book Illustrations Separate Prints and Prints in Series Drawings and Paintings Manuscripts and Typographic Works All Works Archive Exhibitions 100 DPI 300 DPI
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THE FIRST BOOK of URIZEN, Object 1 (Bentley 1, Erdman 1, Keynes 1), 14.9 x 10.3 cm. ©
PRELUDIUM TO THE BOOK OF URIZEN Object 2 (Bentley 2, Erdman 2, Keynes 2) Next Add To Lightbox Rotate Magnify True Size Enlargement Diplomatic Transcription Objects in Copy Objects from the Same Matrix Copy Information Electronic Edition Information
--- The First Book of Urizen Copy D (Composed 1794) Information Title The First Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake
Blake is named on the title page as the printer, but he is also the "publisher." Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date 1794 Number of Objects 26 Object Order Bentley Plates 1-3, 5-15, 17-28 Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 26 Leaf Size 26.0 x 18.0 cm. Medium relief etching, color printed with hand coloring Printing Style relief Ink Color orangish yellow ochre Support wove paper Watermark J Whatman and 1794 J Whatman
The undated watermark appears on Objects 2 and 4 (Bentley Plates 2 and 5), the dated watermark on Object 18 (Bentley Plate 20). Penned Numbers 1-26
The numbers appear top right on each plate. Frame Lines none Binding red morocco since 1969
Each leaf is mounted in a window cut in a larger sheet of paper; previously mounted on linen stubs and bound in half green morocco. Stab Holes originally stabbed through three holes, 6.8 cm. from the top and 5.3 cm. and 6.0 cm. apart Provenance Name British Museum Date 1859 Dealer none Price not recorded
Acquired at an unknown time by Francis Turner Palgrave, who sold the work on 25 June 1859 to the British Museum. Present Location
Institution British Museum Department Department of Prints and Drawings Accession number 1859,0625.46-71 Contact Information See Contributing Collections under About the Archive The First Book of Urizen Copy D (Printed 1794) G R ?
Illuminated Books Commercial Book Illustrations Separate Prints and Prints in Series Drawings and Paintings Manuscripts and Typographic Works All Works Archive Exhibitions 100 DPI 300 DPI
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Object 4 (Bentley 5, Erdman 5, Keynes 5), 14.9 x 10.5 cm. ©
Object 3 (Bentley 3, Erdman 3, Keynes 3) Previous
Object 5 (Bentley 6, Erdman 6, Keynes 6) Next Add To Lightbox Rotate Magnify True Size Enlargement Diplomatic Transcription Objects in Copy Objects from the Same Matrix Copy Information Electronic Edition Information
The First Book of Urizen Copy F (Composed 1794) Information Title The First Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake
Blake is named as the printer on the title page, but he is also the "publisher." Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date 1794 Number of Objects 26 Object Order Bentley Plates 1-3, 5, 12, 6, 7, 14, 10, 8, 9, 11, 13, 22, 15, 18, 17, 19-21, 23-28 Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 26 Leaf Size 26.5 x 18.3 cm. Medium relief etching, color printed with hand coloring Printing Style relief Ink Color green and orangish yellow ochre
The texts and accompanying interlinear motifs on Objects 1 and 15 (Bentley Plates 1 and 15) are printed in yellow ochre, but in green on all other plates bearing texts. The designs, both full-page designs and those on plates bearing texts, are color printed in a variety of colors, with yellow ochre one of the dominant hues. Support wove paper Watermark none Penned Numbers none Frame Lines none Binding loose
formerly bound in half calf with The Book of Thel Copy A and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Copy A Stab Holes none Provenance Name Houghton Library, Harvard University Date 1962 Dealer none Price gift
William Beckford, sold from his library, Sotheby's, 29 Nov. 1883, lot 764, bound with The Book of Thel Copy A and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Copy A (£121 to the dealer Bernard Quaritch); the three works bound together offered by Quartich for £150 in his Jan. 1884 "Rough List" 67, item 80, and in his Nov. 1885 "Rough List" 73, item 51; E. W. Hooper by 1891, who disbound the book; Hooper's daughter, Mrs. Ward Thoron, before 1921; given by Mrs. Thoron to Harvard University in 1962. Present Location
Institution Houghton Library Department Department of Printing and Graphic Arts Call number Typ 6500.42 F Contact Information See Contributing Collections under About the Archive The First Book of Urizen Copy F (Printed 1794) G R ?
Illuminated Books Commercial Book Illustrations Separate Prints and Prints in Series Drawings and Paintings Manuscripts and Typographic Works All Works Archive Exhibitions 100 DPI 300 DPI
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THE FIRST BOOK of URIZEN, Object 1 (Bentley 1, Erdman 1, Keynes 1), 14.9 x 10.3 cm. ©
PRELUDIUM TO THE BOOK OF URIZEN Object 2 (Bentley 2, Erdman 2, Keynes 2) Next Add To Lightbox Rotate Magnify True Size Enlargement Diplomatic Transcription Objects in Copy Objects from the Same Matrix Copy Information Electronic Edition Information
The First Book of Urizen Copy G (Composed 1794) Information Title The Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake
Blake is named as the printer on the title page, but he is also the "publisher." Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date c. 1818 Number of Objects 27 Object Order Bentley Plates 1-3, 9, 5, 12, 6, 14, 7, 8, 22, 10, 11, 16, 13, 15, 17-21, 23, 27, 24-26, 28
Bentley Plate 4 was printed for this copy, but not included by Blake. This impression of Bentley Plate 4 is now in the collection of Robert N. Essick. For discussion, see Essick, "Variation, Accident, and Intention in William Blake's The Book of Urizen," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 230-35. Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 27 Leaf Size 26 x 18 cm. Medium relief etching with hand coloring Printing Style relief Ink Color orange Support wove paper Watermark Ruse & Turners/1815
the watermark appears on Objects 7, 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, and 21 (Bentley Plates 6, 14, 22, 16, 18, 20, and 21). Etched Numbers none Penned Numbers 1-27
The numbers appear top right between the frame lines on each plate. Frame Lines 2
The inner frame line is congruent with the the outer margin of the plate. Both frame lines are in orange ink. Binding brown morocco Stab Holes originally stabbed through three holes, each 4.0 cm. apart Provenance Name Library of Congress Date Acquired by Rosenwald in 1929; given to the Library of Congress 1945. Dealer A. S. W. Rosenbach in 1929 Price About $5000 in 1929
Sold anonymously, Sotheby's, 20 Jan. 1852, lot 186 (£8.15s. to Richard Monckton Milnes, First Lord Houghton); Milnes' son, the Earl of Crewe, probably by inheritance in 1885; sold Sotheby's, 30 March 1903, lot 6 (£307 to the dealer Bernard Quaritch, probably acting for William A. White); White by April 1903; sold posthumously from White's collection through A. S. W. Rosenbach to Lessing J. Rosenwald, 1 May 1929, for approximately $5000 (the evaluation given to the work by Rosenbach in records now in the Rosenbach Library, Philadelphia); given by Rosenwald to the Library of Congress, 1945. Present Location
Institution Library of Congress Department Rare Book and Special Collections Division Collection Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection Call number PR4144.F5 1815 Catalog number 1807 Contact Information See Contributing Collections under About the Archive The Book of Urizen Copy G (Printed c. 1818) G R ?
Illuminated Books Commercial Book Illustrations Separate Prints and Prints in Series Drawings and Paintings Manuscripts and Typographic Works All Works Archive Exhibitions 100 DPI 300 DPI
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THE FIRST BOOK of URIZEN, Object 1 (Bentley 1, Erdman 1, Keynes 1), 14.9 x 10.3 cm. ©
PRELUDIUM TO THE BOOK OF URIZEN Object 2 (Bentley 2, Erdman 2, Keynes 2) Next Add To Lightbox Rotate Magnify True Size Enlargement Diplomatic Transcription Objects in Copy Objects from the Same Matrix Copy Information Electronic Edition Information
he First Book of Urizen Copy J (Composed 1794) Information Title The First Book of Urizen Origination William Blake : author, inventor, delineator, etcher, printer, colorist Origination Catherine Blake : printer IMPRINT Publisher William Blake Place of Publication Lambeth Date 1794 Composition Date 1794 Print Date 1794 Number of Objects 25 Object Order Bentley plates 1-3, 14, 5-7, 12, 10, 11, 22, 13, 9, 15, 18, 19, 17, 20, 21, 23, 27, 26, 25, 24, 28
This copy lacks Bentley plates 4, 8, and 16. The present plate order may not be authorial, but it does maintain the standard sequence of text plates. Object Size ranging between 16.8 x 11.7 and 14.2 x 9.1 cm. Number of Leaves 25 Leaf Size 25.7 x 18.0 cm. Medium relief etching, color printed with hand coloring
Parts of the text on objects 9, 10, 12, 20, and 25 have been over-written in pen and red ink. Printing Style relief Ink Color orangish yellow ochre (objects 1-22, 24, 25), yellow ochre (Object 23) Support wove paper Watermark 1794 J WHATMAN (objects 4 and 23), I TAYLOR (Object 6) Penned Numbers none
There are two sequences of numbers in pencil, neither by Blake. See G. E. Bentley, Jr., (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995) page 72 note 1. Frame Lines none Binding early nineteenth-century black morocco, with modern cover sheets on the plates Stab Holes none Provenance Name Albertina, Vienna Date unknown, probably in the nineteenth century Dealer unknown Price unknown
Acquired at an unknown time, probably in the nineteenth century, by the Royal Library, Vienna; transferred in 1903 to the Albertina, Vienna. Present Location
Institution Albertina Department Graphic Art Collection Inventory numbers DGNF9346/1-25 Contact Information See Contributing Collections under About the Archive The First Book of Urizen Copy J (Printed 1794) G R ?
Illuminated Books Commercial Book Illustrations Separate Prints and Prints in Series Drawings and Paintings Manuscripts and Typographic Works All Works Archive Exhibitions 100 DPI 300 DPI
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The First Book of Urizen, Object 1 (Bentley 1, Erdman 1, Keynes 1), 14.9 x 10.3 cm. ©
Object 2 (Bentley 2, Erdman 2, Keynes 2) Next Add To Lightbox Rotate Magnify True Size Enlargement Diplomatic Transcription Objects in Copy Objects from the Same Matrix Copy Information Electronic Edition Information