Книга Уризена/2
← Лист 1 | Книга Уризена ( , пер. Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р. 1948)) Лист 2. Вступление к книге Уризена |
Лист 3 → |
Язык оригинала: английский. Название в оригинале: The Book of Urizen, Preludium to the [First] Book of Urizen. — Дата создания: ок. 1794. |
[Plate 2]
Д. Смирнов-Садовский: |
Plate 2
William Blake: |
- ↑ This word afterwards deleted.
Лист 2. Вступление к [первой] книге Уризена. Женщина в длинном платье парит в небе на фоне облаков, держа за руку голого младенца. Текст под ними окружён языками пламени.
1-7. Первобытный Жрец – Уризен, захвативший власть и создавший религию, отвергнутую сонмом Бессмертных, которые предоставили ему место на пустынном севере. Приведём дословный прозаический перевод вступления:
О Жреце присвоившем власть, |
On the design
Sector E
plate Illustration:
Drawn in left profile with her back to the viewer, a young woman wearing a full gown and with her hair pulled back in a bun floats horizontally in the clouded sky above the text that is surrounded by flames, which seem to be creating the reddened area of sky behind the central figures. The woman fully extends her left arm parallel to the line of her body to hold the arm of a naked infant who floats horizontally in line with her arm. Her right hand seems to hold a fold in her gown.
Component (Sector AB)
gown female hovering facing left arm extended hand holding hair in bun shoe collar holding right foot touching Drawn in left profile with her back to the viewer, a young female wearing a full, flowing gown with bat-winged collar and with her hair pulled back in a bun hovers horizontally in a clouded sky. She fully extends her left arm parallel to the line of her body to hold the arm of a naked infant who floats horizontally in line with her arm. Her right hand seems to hold a fold in her gown. Her pointed right shoe is exposed.
Component (Sector A)
infant nude hovering arms extended touching facing right facing forward A naked infant, one of whose extended arms is held by a female, floats horizontally in line with her arm.
Component (Sector E) Keywords:
fire Flames, or flame-like vegetation, surround the text on all sides, and seem to produce the reddish background behind the figures at the top of the plate.
Component (Sector E)
Keywords: flame-like leaf Flames, or flame-like vegetation, surround the text on all sides, and seem to produce the reddish background behind the figures at the top of the plate.
Sector CD
interlinear Illustration:
Beneath the "R" of "URIZEN" (line 6) may be a winged insect. Right of the "N" (line 6) there is a falling figure. An ornamental extension on the "D" of "Dictate" (line 12) is a quill(?). A vine-like extension on the "y" of "solitary" (line 10) divides the stanzas from one another.
Component (Sector C)
Keywords: insect flying Beneath the "R" of "URIZEN" (line 6) may be a winged insect.
Component (Sector D)
figure falling arms raised horizontally head down Right of the "N" of "URIZEN" (line 6) is one falling figure, with its arms raised horizontally, and perhaps the suggestion of a second figure to the left of the first.
Component (Sector C)
Keywords: quill An ornamental extension on the "D" of "Dictate" (line 12) is a quill(?). Component (Sector CD) Keywords: vine
A vine-like extension on the "y" of "solitary" (line 10) separates the stanzas from one another.