Книга Уризена/17

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Книга Уризена (Лист 17)
автор Уильям Блейк (1757—1827), пер. Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р. 1948)
Язык оригинала: английский. Название в оригинале: The Book of Urizen. — Дата создания: ок. 1794.
Википроекты:  Wikipedia-logo.png Википедия 
William Blake by Thomas Phillips - cropped and downsized.jpg

[Plate 17]

The Book of Urizen, copy G, c. 1818. Plate 17 (17)


Лист 17. Иллюстрация без текста: человек (Лос?), склонивший голову над большим шаром (сотворение Энитармон?). См. две последние строки Листа 15 и комментарий к ним.

On design:

Sector E plate Illustration: A fully-gowned figure with long hair, perhaps Los creating Enitharmon (or Enitharmon herself), bends forward toward the viewer over a large globe that occupies the bottom half of the design. His head is down, making his face invisible and exposing his back to the viewer. He raises his arms at 135 degrees and holds his hands vertically to his head and perhaps over his ears. Rivulets of a bright substance, perhaps fire or blood, crisscross the figure's back, surround the globe, and seem to fuse his hair and lower body with the globe. The design may depict the "globe of life blood" that "trembled / Branching out into roots" to embody a "female form trembling and pale . . . the first female, now separate" (Plate 18, lines 3-12). Component (Sector E) Keywords: Los Enitharmon male female gown long hair bending forward hands clutching head hands to ears arms raised at 135 degrees head down facing away blood creating nerves veins sinews A fully-gowned figure with long hair bends forward toward the viewer over a large globe. His head is down, making his face invisible and exposing his back to the viewer. He raises his arms horizontally and holds his hands to his head and perhaps over his ears. Rivulets of a bright substance—perhaps fire, blood, or sinews—crisscross the figure's back, surround the globe, and seem to fuse his hair and lower body with the globe. He may be Los creating Enitharmon (Plate 18, lines 3-10) or Enitharmon herself. Component (Sector CD) Keywords: globe fire A figure bends forward over a large globe that occupies the bottom half of the design. The globe appears to be fused to the figure by organic strands that seem to be hair, blood, nerves, and fire simultaneously. This may be the "globe of life blood" (Plate 16, line 15).