Книга Уризена/22

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Книга Уризена (Лист 22)
автор Уильям Блейк (1757—1827), пер. Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р. 1948)
Язык оригинала: английский. Название в оригинале: The Book of Urizen. — Дата создания: ок. 1794.
Википроекты:  Wikipedia-logo.png Википедия 
William Blake by Thomas Phillips - cropped and downsized.jpg

[Plate 22]

The Book of Urizen, copy G, c. 1818. Plate 22 (11)


Лист 22. Иллюстрация без текста: сидящая фигура седобородого старца (Уризена), закованного в кандалы. Его голова излучает сияние. Из закрытых век сочатся слёзы.

On design:

Sector E plate Illustration:

A nude old man with long, flowing white hair and beard, presumably Urizen, sits in a contracted position with knees drawn up to his chest, arms down at his sides. His wrists and ankles are shackled with massive fetters and chains; the chains that connect left-wrist shackle to left-ankle shackle and right-wrist shackle to right-ankle shackle are visible. His eyes are closed and tears flow down each cheek. A dark halo broken by beams of bright light, as if from the sun, encircles his head. The background suggests a cave or other stony area.

Component (Sector E)


Urizen male old facing forward head up nude beard long hair sitting crying tears eyes closed contracted legs drawn up squatting hands on ground arms at side shackled halo knees feet

A nude old man with long, flowing white hair and beard, presumably Urizen, sits in a contracted position with knees drawn up to his chest, arms down at his sides. His wrists and ankles are shackled. His eyes are closed and tears flow down each cheek. A dark halo broken by beams of bright light, as if from the sun, encircles his head.

Component (Sector CD)

Keywords: shackle chain

Urizen's wrists and ankles are shackled with massive fetters and chains; the chains that connect left-wrist shackle to left-ankle shackle and right-wrist shackle to right-ankle shackle are visible.

Component (Sector E)

Keywords: cave stone

The background suggests a cave or other stony area.