Книга Уризена/23
← Лист 22 | Книга Уризена (Лист 23) , пер. Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р. 1948) |
Лист 24 → |
Язык оригинала: английский. Название в оригинале: The Book of Urizen. — Дата создания: ок. 1794. |
[Plate 23]
Д. Смирнов-Садовский: |
Plate 23
William Blake: |
Лист 23. Внизу под текстом: седобородый старец идёт вдоль горной цепи, левую руку вытянув перед собой, а левой держа тусклый огненный шар, похожий на солнце — это фонарь, при свете которого он исследует пещеры, созданного им мира. Внизу перед ним профиль льва (тигра?), за ним — горный пейзаж.
428. На отверженных кручах своих... — то есть в мире материализма, или материальном мире, отвергнутом сонмом Бессмертных.
431. жизни частицы, подобия... — платоническое понимание этого мира, как слабое отражение идеальных небес; особенно в глазах лишённых воображения, как у Уризена (Стивенсон, 270).
435-448. С отвращеньем Уризен взирал / На свои порожденья бессмертные... — сыновья и дочери Уризена являют собой разделы и подразделы его разума и интуиции. Перечислены сыновья Уризена: Тириэль, Ута, Гродна и Фузон, представляющие четыре стихии: воздух, воду, землю и огонь, из которых они родились. Дочери, вышедшие из трав и низших животных символизируют инстинкты Уризена.
On design:
Sector E plate Illustration:
Against a dark, mountainous landscape opening onto an area of blue sky, a fully gowned old man with long, flowing beard, probably Urizen, strides vigorously to the right. His left arm extends forward with the palm of the hand vertical. With his right hand by his side he holds a sun-like globe that emits dark beams. At bottom right the head and front legs of a lion appear in profile. The illustration seems to depict the episode in which "Urizen explor'd his dens / Mountain, moor & wilderness / With a globe of fire lighting his / journey" (Plate 20, lines 53-56).
Component (Sector E)
Urizen male old facing right gown striding walking beard arm at side holding arm extended arm raised horizontally palm vertical left foot
Urizen, as a fully gowned old man with long, flowing beard, strides vigorously to the right. His left arm is extended with his palm vertical. With his right hand by his side he holds a sun-like globe.
Component (Sector E)
Keywords: mountain
A dark, mountainous landscape opens onto an area of blue sky.
Component (Sector AB)
A dark, mountainous landscape opens onto an area of blue sky.
Component (Sector D)
The head and front legs of a lion with long mane appear in profile.
Component (Sector CD)
Keywords: globe sun lamp beams of light spiky
With his right hand by his side Urizen holds a sun-like globe that emits spiky beams of light.
Sector AB
interlinear Illustration:
A central vine separates the columns of text. Its serpentine or flame-like or, in one instance between stanzas 4 and 5 (lines 31-32), loopy tendrils and leaves (with other bits of vegetation independent of the central vine, often generated as extensions of letters in the text) help fill the spaces between all the stanzas on this plate, around the chapter heading at top center, and around short lines. Some of the extensions of letters are particularly extravagant, especially the "n" of "Fuzon" in line 21. The extensions of the central vine that sprout left and right below the text and around Urizen's head have shapes that may suggest serpents with (on the right) open mouths. Four flying birds help fill the space between stanzas 1 and 2 (lines 3-4).
Component (Sector AB)
Keywords: vine leaf serpentine flame-like loop
A central vine separates the columns of text. Its serpentine or flame-like or, in one instance between stanzas 4 and 5 (lines 31-32), loopy tendrils and leaves (with other bits of vegetation independent of the central vine, often generated as extensions of letters in the text) help fill the spaces between all the stanzas on this plate, around the chapter heading at top center, and around short lines. Some of the extensions of letters are extravagant, especially the "n" of "Fuzon" in line 21. The extensions of the central vine that sprout oddly to the left and right below the text and around Urizen's head have shapes that may suggest serpents with (on the right) open mouths.
Component (Sector A)
Keywords:bird flying
Four flying birds help fill the space between stanzas 1 and 2 (lines 3-4).
Component (Sector AB)
Keywords: serpent mouth open
The extensions of the central vine that sprout oddly to the left and right below the text and around Urizen's head have shapes that may suggest serpents with (on the right) open mouths.