Роберт Сидни
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Роберт Сидни |
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англ. Robert Sidney Роберт Сидни, граф Лестер Robert Sidney, 1st Earl of Leicester |
* 19 ноября 1563, Великобритания, Пенхёрст, Кент |
† 13 июля 1626, Великобритания, Пенхёрст, Кент |
английский поэт |
- Sonnet 1. “Yow purest stars, whose neuer dijng fyres...” / “You purest stars, whose never-dying fires...”
- Sonnet 2. “The paines wch I vncessantly susteine...” / “The pains which I uncessantly sustain...”
- Sonnet 3. “Beauties born of the heauens, my sowles delight...” / “Beauties born of the heavens, my soul’s delight...”
- Sonnet 4. “These purest flames kindled by beauties rare...” / “These purest flames, kindled by beauties rare...”
- Sonnet 5. “Of trauailes past oft when I thincking ame...” / “Of travails past oft when I thinking am...”
- Sonnet 6. “When rest locks vp the treasures of delight...” / “When rest locks up the treasures of delight...”
- Sonnet 7. “The hardy Captein, vnused to retyre...” / “The hardy captain, unused to retire...”
- Sonnet 8. “If that her worth I kowld as wel forget...” / “If that her worth I could as well forget...”
- Sonnet 9. “Oft had I past the ioies and greefes in loue...” / “Oft had I passed the joys and grieves in love...”
- Sonnet 10. “Shee whoe I serve to wryte did not despise...” / “She whom I serve to write did not despise...”
- Sonnet 11. “Thogh the most parfet stile kannot attaine...” / “Though the most perfect style cannot attain...”
- Sonnet 12. “Whoe giues himself may il his words deny...” / “And all the daies and howers, I since do spend...”
- Sonnet 15. “You that haue power to kil, haue will to saue...” / “You that have power to kill, have will to save...”
- Sonnet 17. “The endless Alchymist, wth blinded will...” / “The endless alchemist, with blinded will...”
- Sonnet 21. “Alas why say you I am ritch? when I...” / “Alas, why say you I am rich? When...”
- Sonnet 22. “On vnknown shore, wth weather hard destrest...” / “On unknown shore, with weather hard distressed...”
On unknown shore, with weather hard distressed
- Sonnet 25. “Yow that take pleasure in yowr cruelty...” / “You that take pleasure in your cruelty...”
- Sonnet 35. “Time cruel time how fast pass yow away...” / “Time, cruel Time, how fast pass you away...”
- Translated out of Seneca. “Yow vnto whome hee that rules sea and land...”
- In another place. “So when wth owt all noyse of mee...”
- Song 24. “Absence I fled to thee” / “Absence, I fled to thee”
Работы этого автора находятся в общественном достоянии во всём мире, поскольку он умер более 100 лет назад. |