Robert Sidney/Translated out of Seneca

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Translated out of Seneca (You unto whom he that rules sea and land)
автор Robert Sidney (1563—1626)
Original text:

Translated out of Seneca

Yow vnto whome hee that rules sea and land
of life and death grants the lawgiuing hand
puft vp and sullein hawty looks forbeare
That wch from you the meaner man doth feare
the same to yow, a greater lorde doth threate
All power is vnder heauyer power sett:
He whoe of coming day was lofty fownd
him the departing day saw on the grownd
let no man trust to much to seasons fayre
let none cast down of better tymes despayre.


Contemporary text:

Translated out of Seneca

You unto whom he that rules sea and land
Of life and death grants the law-giving hand,
Puffed-up and sullen haughty looks forbear;
That which from you the meaner man doth fear
The same to you, a greater lord doth threat.
All power is under heavier power set.
He who of coming day was lofty found
Him the departing day saw on the ground
Let no man trust to much to seasons fair:
Let none cast down, of better times despair.



Перевод с латинского фрагмента из трагедии Луция Аннея Сенеки Младшего «Фиест» (строки 697-16): ‘Vos quibus rector maris atque terrae’, и т. д. В пьесе Сенеки этот фрагмент исполняется хором.

См. также / See also