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Original text:
A Crown of sonnets, but vnfinished.
12. Sonnet
Whoe giues himself may il his words deny
my words gaue mee to yow, my words I gaue
stil to bee yowrs, yow speech and speaker haue
mee to my worde, my worde to yow I ty
Long ere I was, I was by destiny
vnto yowr loue ordained, a free bownd slaue
Destiny wch mee to my own chois draue
and to my ends, made mee my wil apply
For ere on earthe in yow trew beauty kame
my first breath I had drawn, vpon the day
sacred to yow, blessed in yowr faire name
And all the daies and howers, I since do spend
are but the fatall, wished time to slay
to seale the bands of seruice wth out end.
Contemporary text:
A crown of sonnets, but unfinished.
12. Sonnet
Who gives himself, may ill his words deny;
My words gave me to you, my word I gave
Still to be yours, you speech and speaker have:
Me to my word, my word to you I tie.
Long ere I was, I was by Destiny
Unto your love ordained, a free-bound slave;
Destiny, which me to my own choice drave
And to my ends, made me my will apply:
For ere on earth in you true beauty came,
My first breath I had drawn, upon the day
Sacred to you, blessed in your fair name;
And all the days and hours, I since do spend
Are but the fatal, wished time to slay
To seal the bands of service without end.
См. также / See also