(не показаны 2 промежуточные версии этого же участника) |
Строка 16: |
Строка 16: |
| ; [[Songs of Experience]] by [[William Blake]], 1794 / [[Песни опыта]] [[Уильям Блейк|Уильяма Блейка]], 1794 | | ; [[Songs of Experience]] by [[William Blake]], 1794 / [[Песни опыта]] [[Уильям Блейк|Уильяма Блейка]], 1794 |
| * [[Человеческая абстракция (Блейк/Маршак)|Человеческая абстракция]] ''([[Самуил Яковлевич Маршак|С. Маршак]])'' | | * [[Человеческая абстракция (Блейк/Маршак)|Человеческая абстракция]] ''([[Самуил Яковлевич Маршак|С. Маршак]])'' |
− | * [[Человеческая абстракция (Блейк/Смирнов)|Человеческая абстракция]] ''([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский]])'' | + | * [[Человеческая Абстракция (Блейк/Смирнов)|Человеческая Абстракция]] ''([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский]])'' |
| * [[Комментарий к Блейку/Песни опыта/Человеческая абстракция]] | | * [[Комментарий к Блейку/Песни опыта/Человеческая абстракция]] |
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Строка 82: |
Строка 82: |
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− | # [[My Pretty Rose Tree]] <br /> [[Мои милый розовый куст (Блейк/Смирнов)|Мои милый розовый куст]] ''([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский]])''
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− | # [[Ah! Sun-Flower]] <br />[[Ах! Подсолнух (Блейк/Смирнов)|Ах! Подсолнух]] ''([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский]])'' <br /> [[Ах! Подсолнух (Блейк)|Ах! Подсолнух]] ''([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский|Подстрочник]])''
| |
− | # [[The Lilly]] <br /> [[Лилия (Блейк/Маршак)|Лилия]] ''[[Samuil Marshak|(С. Маршак)]]'' <br /> [[Лилия (Блейк/Смирнов)|Лилия]] ''([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский]])'' <br /> [[Лилея (Блейк/Парин)|Лилея]] ''[[Алексей Васильевич Парин| (А. Парин)]]'' <br> [[Лилии (Блейк/Потапова)|Лилии]] ''[[Вера Аркадьевна Потапова|(В. Потапова)]]''
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− | ; [[Ah! Sun-Flower]] / [[Ах! Подсолнух]]
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− | ; [[Songs of Experience]] by [[William Blake]], 1794 / [[Песни опыта]] [[Уильям Блейк|Уильяма Блейка]], 1794
| |
− | * [[Ах! Подсолнух (Блейк/Смирнов)|Ах! Подсолнух]] ([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский|Смирнов]])
| |
− | * [[Ах! Подсолнух (Блейк)]] — подстрочник ([[Д. Смирнов-Садовский|Смирнов]])
| |
− | * [[Комментарий к Блейку/Песни опыта/Ах! Подсолнух]]
| |
− | * [[:w:en:Ah! Sun-Flower|Ah! Sun-Flower]]
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− | * [[:Commons:Category:Songs of Experience - My Pretty Rose Tree|Songs of Experience - "My Pretty Rose Tree" & "Ah! Sun-Flower" on "Commons"]]
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− | {{poemx1||
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− | ''[[Songs of Experience]]by [[William Blake]], 1794''
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− | ''' The LILLY t '''
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− | ''' The GARDEN of LOVE t '''
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− | I went to the Garden of Love,
| |
− | And saw what I never had seen: t
| |
− | A Chapel was built in the midst, t
| |
− | Where I used to play on the green.
| |
− |
| |
− | And the gates of this Chapel were shut, t 5
| |
− | And Thou shalt not. writ over the door;
| |
− | So I turn'd to the Garden of Love, t
| |
− | That so many sweet flowers bore.
| |
− |
| |
− | And I saw it was filled with graves,
| |
− | And tomb-stones where flowers should be: 10
| |
− | And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds,
| |
− | And binding with briars, my joys & desires.
| |
− | |}}
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− | ;[[Introduction]] / [[Вступление]]
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− | ; [[Songs of Innocence]] by [[William Blake]], 1789/ [[Песни невинности]] [[Уильям Блейк|Уильяма Блейка]], 1789
| |
− | * [[Вступление. Песни невинности (Блейк/Маршак)]]
| |
− | * [[Вступление. Песни невинности (Блейк/Смирнов)]]
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− | * [[Комментарий к Блейку/Песни невинности/Вступление]]
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− | * [[:Commons:Category:Songs of Innocence - Introduction|Songs of Innocence - Introduction on "Commons"]]
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− | ; [[Songs of Experience]]by [[William Blake]], 1794 / [[Песни опыта]] [[Уильям Блейк|Уильяма Блейка]], 1794
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− | * [[Вступление (Песни опыта — Блейк/Смирнов)]]
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− | * [[Комментарий к Блейку/Песни опыта/Вступление]]
| |
− | * [[:w:en:Introduction (Blake, 1794)|Introduction (Blake, 1794)]]
| |
− | * [[:Commons:Category:Songs of Experience - Introduction|Songs of Experience - Introduction on "Commons"]]
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− | [ SONGS 45 ]
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− | [ SONGS 46 ]
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− | [ SONGS 47 ]
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− | [Begin Page 28]
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− | [ SONGS 48 ]
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− | My mother groand! my father wept.
| |
− | Into the dangerous world I leapt:
| |
− | Helpless, naked, piping loud;
| |
− | Like a fiend hid in a cloud.
| |
− |
| |
− | Struggling in my fathers bands: 5
| |
− | Striving against my swadling bands:
| |
− | Bound and weary I thought best
| |
− | To sulk upon my mothers breast.
| |
− |
| |
− | [ SONGS 49 ]
| |
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| |
− | I was angry with my friend;
| |
− | I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
| |
− | I was angry with my foe:
| |
− | I told it not, my wrath did grow.
| |
− |
| |
− | And I waterd it in fears, 5
| |
− | Night & morning with my tears:
| |
− | And I sunned it with smiles,
| |
− | And with soft deceitful wiles.
| |
− |
| |
− | And it grew both day and night.
| |
− | Till it bore an apple bright. 10
| |
− | And my foe beheld it shine,
| |
− | And he knew that it was mine.
| |
− |
| |
− | And into my garden stole,
| |
− | When the night had veild the pole;
| |
− | In the morning glad I see; 15
| |
− | My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.
| |
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− | [ SONGS 50 ]
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− | [ SONGS 51 ]
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− | [ SONGS 52 ]
| |
− | To Tirzah t
| |
− |
| |
− | Whate'er is Born of Mortal Birth,
| |
− | Must be consumed with the Earth
| |
− | To rise from Generation free;
| |
− | Then what have I to do with thee?
| |
− |
| |
− | The Sexes sprung from Shame & Pride 5
| |
− | Blow'd in the morn: in evening died
| |
− | But Mercy changd Death into Sleep;
| |
− | The Sexes rose to work & weep.
| |
− |
| |
− | Thou Mother of my Mortal part.
| |
− | With cruelty didst mould my Heart. 10
| |
− | And with false self-decieving tears,
| |
− | Didst bind my Nostrils Eyes & Ears.
| |
− |
| |
− | Didst close my Tongue in senseless clay
| |
− | And me to Mortal Life betray:
| |
− | The Death of Jesus set me free, 15
| |
− | Then what have I to do with thee?
| |
− |
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− | illustration from Songs, plate 52
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− | It is Raised / a Spiritual Body
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− | [Begin Page 31]
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− | [ SONGS 53 ]
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| |
− | The School Boy
| |
− |
| |
− | I love to rise in a summer morn,
| |
− | When the birds sing on every tree;
| |
− | The distant huntsman winds his horn,
| |
− | And the sky-lark sings with me.
| |
− | O! what sweet company. 5
| |
− |
| |
− | But to go to school in a summer morn,
| |
− | O! it drives all joy away;
| |
− | Under a cruel eye outworn,
| |
− | The little ones spend the day,
| |
− | In sighing and dismay. 10
| |
− |
| |
− | Ah! then at times I drooping sit,
| |
− | And spend many an anxious hour.
| |
− | Nor in my book can I take delight,
| |
− | Nor sit in learnings bower,
| |
− | Worn thro' with the dreary shower. 15
| |
− |
| |
− | How can the bird that is born for joy,
| |
− | Sit in a cage and sing.
| |
− | How can a child when fears annoy,
| |
− | But droop his tender wing,
| |
− | And forget his youthful spring. 20
| |
− |
| |
− | O! father & mother, if buds are nip'd,
| |
− | And blossoms blown away,
| |
− | And if the tender plants are strip'd
| |
− | Of their joy in the springing day,
| |
− | {{nr|25}} By sorrow and cares dismay,
| |
− |
| |
− | How shall the summer arise in joy.
| |
− | Or the summer fruits appear,
| |
− | Or how shall we gather what griefs destroy
| |
− | Or bless the mellowing year,
| |
− | {{nr|30}} When the blasts of winter appear.
| |
− |
| |
− |
| |
− | The Voice of the Ancient Bard.
| |
− |
| |
− | Youth of delight come hither:
| |
− | And see the opening morn,
| |
− | Image of truth new born.
| |
− | Doubt is fled & clouds of reason.
| |
− | {{nr|5}} Dark disputes & artful teazing.
| |
− | Folly is an endless maze,
| |
− | Tangled roots perplex her ways,
| |
− | How many have fallen there!
| |
− | They stumble all night over bones of the dead,
| |
− | {{nr|10}} And feel they know not what but care 10
| |
− | And wish to lead others, when they should be led.
| |
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