Octets (Mandelstam)

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⧼written by⧽ Osip Mandelstam, ⧼translated by⧽ D. Smirnov-Sadovsky
I love the uprise of a texture (1)
Included in Moscow Notebooks. See also Poems. This cycle of eleven poems was written in 1932-35 (Moscow — Voronezh). In Russian: Восьмистишия.


English Translations

There are known a few translations of the whole cycle to English published in:

  • Osip Mandelstam: "Octets" 66-76, translated by Donald Davie, "Agenda", vol. 14, no. 2, 1976.
  • John RILEY: "The Collected Works". Grossteste (Derbyshire), 1980.
  • Osip Mandelstam: The Moscow Notebooks translated by Richard and Elizabeth McKane, Bloodaxe Books, 1991, Newcastle upon Tyne ISBN 1852241268.

Four of the "Octets" were included into:

  • Osip Mandelstam: "Selected Poems", translated by David McDuff. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux (New York) and, with minor corrections, Rivers Press (Cambridge), 1973.
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Octets. Osip Mandelstam Osip Emilyevich Mandelstam (1891 – 1938)