Комментарий к Блейку/Песни опыта/Вступление: различия между версиями

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Строка 26: Строка 26:
[[Категория:Переводы, выполненные Сергеем Анатольевичем Степановым]]
[[Категория:Переводы, выполненные Сергеем Анатольевичем Степановым]]
[[Категория:Переводы, выполненные Владимиром Борисовичем Микушевичем]]-->
[[Категория:Переводы, выполненные Владимиром Борисовичем Микушевичем]]-->
[[Файл:Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy B, 1789, 1794 (British Museum) - SE - Intro.jpg|thumb|250px|center|<small>Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy B, 1789, 1794 (British Museum) - SE - Intro</small>]]
Строка 68: Строка 69:
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Y, 1825 (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - SE - Intro.jpg|Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Y, 1825 (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - SE - Intro
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Y, 1825 (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - SE - Intro.jpg|Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Y, 1825 (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - SE - Intro
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Z, 1826 (Library of Congress) SE - Intro.jpg|Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Z, 1826 (Library of Congress) SE - Intro
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Z, 1826 (Library of Congress) SE - Intro.jpg|Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy Z, 1826 (Library of Congress) SE - Intro
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy AA, 1826 (The Fitzwilliam Museum) - SE -Intro.jpg|Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy AA, 1826 (The Fitzwilliam Museum) - SE -Intro|Blake Experience Introduction.jpg|Blake Experience Introduction||Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy AA, 1826 (The Fitzwilliam Museum) - SE -Intro (smaller file)
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy AA, 1826 (The Fitzwilliam Museum) - SE -Intro.jpg|Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy AA, 1826 (The Fitzwilliam Museum) - SE -Intro
Blake Experience Introduction.jpg|Blake Experience Introduction||Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy AA, 1826 (The Fitzwilliam Museum) - SE -Intro (smaller file)

Версия 10:36, 10 февраля 2014

Комментарий к Блейку/Песни опыта/Вступление
автор Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р.1948)
Источник: частные архивы
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy B, 1789, 1794 (British Museum) - SE - Intro

Songs of Experience
by William Blake


Hear the voice of the Bard!
Who Present, Past, & Future sees
Whose ears have heard,
The Holy Word,
5 That walk'd among the ancient trees.

Calling the lapsed Soul
And weeping in the evening dew:
That might controll,
The starry pole;
10 And fallen fallen light renew!

O Earth O Earth return!
Arise from out the dewy grass;
Night is worn,
And the morn
15 Rises from the slumberous mass,

Turn away no more:
Why wilt thou turn away
The starry floor
The watry shore
20 Is giv'n thee till the break of day.

Галерея / Gallery

См. также

Introduction / Вступление
Songs of Innocence by William Blake, 1789/ Песни невинности Уильяма Блейка, 1789
Songs of Experience / Песни опыта by William Blake, 1794 / Песни невинности Уильяма Блейка, 1794
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