I’m given a body — what to do with thee (Mandelstam/Smirnov)

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«I'm given a body — what to do with thee…»
автор Osip Mandelstam (1891—1938), transl. D. Smirnov-Sadovsky (b. 1948)
Источник: wikisource • In Russian: «Дано мне тело — что мне делать с ним…». From Stone. See also Poems. Translated from Russian.

D. Smirnov-Sadovsky:

 * * *

I’m given a body — what to do with thee,
So much unique, so much belong to me?

For the quiet happiness to breathe and live
My gratefulness — to whom it shall I give?

I’m a gardener and I’m a flower as well,
I’m not alone in th’ earthly prison cell.

And all my breath and warmth lay already
Down on the window glass of eternity.

The pattern that will be imprinted there
From recent times you will not find elsewhere.

The mud of th’ instant let be gone to waste,
The cherished pattern will be not erased.

1909 (transl. 15 May 2015)

Osip Mandelstam:

 * * *

Дано мне тело — что мне делать с ним,
Таким единым и таким моим?

За радость тихую дышать и жить
Кого, скажите, мне благодарить?

Я и садовник, я же и цветок,
В темнице мира я не одинок.

На стекла вечности уже легло
Мое дыхание, мое тепло.

Запечатлеется на нем узор,
Неузнаваемый с недавних пор.

Пускай мгновения стекает муть —
Узора милого не зачеркнуть.


Earlier translation / Ранняя версия перевода

© D. Smirnov-Sadovsky:

 * * *

I'm given a body — what to do with it?
It is so unique and so much my own.

For the quiet happiness to breathe and live,
Tell me, to whom shall I give my thanks?

I am the gardener and the flower too,
In the world's dungeon I am not alone.

My breath, my warmth lay already down
On the window glass of eternity.

The pattern will be imprinted there
Unrecognizable from recent times.

Let the instant mud be flown away —
The cherished pattern will be not erased.
1909 (transl. 2006)

© D. Smirnov-Sadovsky, translation. Can be reproduced if non-commercial.

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