Прощание с братьями Ложи святого Якова (Бернс/Смирнов)
Прощание с братьями Ложи святого Якова , пер. Д. Смирнов-Садовский (р. 1948) |
Язык оригинала: шотландский. Название в оригинале: The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton. — Дата создания: 1786, пер. 2009 (перевод), опубл.: 1786, Килмарнок /перевод: 2012, Москва[1] (перевод). Источник: http://www.robertburns.org/works/114.shtml |
Перевод: 11 августа 2009, Сент-Олбанс |
- ↑ Роберт Бернс. Стихотворения и поэмы. Сост. Е. В. Витковский. Эксмо. М. 2012 г ISBN 978-5-699-58654-7
Бернс стал масоном 4 июля 1781. 27 июля 1784 он стал Заместителем Мастера Ложи. Стихотворное прощание с братьями Ложи № 135 в Тарболтоне написано в 1786, когда Бернс собирался эмигрировать в Вест-Индию (на Ямайку).
В масонских изданиях (MASONIC CHART, OR HIEROGLYPHIC MONITOR: NEW-YORK: 1851) публиковалась также пятая строфа, которая была признана "недостойной", "в высшей степени немасонской" и "написанной не Бернсом", а кем-то другим. (The fifth verse unworthy of the connection and highly unmasonic, which is appended to the above in some of our American Manuals, was not written by Burns. http://www.calodges.org/no406/FAREWELL.HTM )
And you, kind-hearted sisters, fair, |
As the Lodge of Robert Burns, Bard of Scotland, Lodge Tarbolton (Kilwinning) St. James is very proud of our history. Not only is Burns revered for his poetry, but the world over he is known to and respected by Freemasons.
Visitors are encouraged to visit the Virtual Museum of this website, to view and learn more about the various relics that the Lodge has in its possession dating back and relating to the time when Burns himself became a Mason in the Lodge.
Burns became a Freemason in July 1781. The minute book entry documenting this fact is shown as follows:
It reads:
"Sederunt for July 4th Rbt Burns in Lochly was entered an apprentice"
Later, on July 27 1784, he became Depute Master of the Lodge.
"Justly that Highest Badge to wear"
The Master's Jewel to which Burns refers in his Farewell poem to the brethren of the Lodge.
Of Burn's poems, the one which is perhaps held dearest to the Brethren of Lodge 135, and which is known to all Masonic brethren, is The Farewell to the brethren of St. Jame's Lodge, Tarbolton. Written by Burns when he was planning to emigrate to Jamaica, the final lines form the historical basis for the toasting that is seen at Burns suppers all over the world.
© D. Smirnov-Sadovsky. Translation. Can be reproduced if non commercial. / © Д. Смирнов-Садовский. Перевод. Комментарий
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