Генри Огастен Бирс

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Бирс Генри Огастен
Генри Огастен Бирс
англ. Henry Augustin Beers англ. Henry A. Beers
* 02 июля 1847(18470702), Буффало, Нью-Йорк (США)
07 сентября 1926, Саванна, Джорджия (США)
Американский писатель, поэт, историк литературы, профессор Йельского Университета.

Henry Augustin Beers (1847-1926) was an author, literary historian, poet, and professor at Yale University.

Beers practiced law and worked as tutor before joining the Yale Department of English in 1875, where he produced numerous works, including scholarly studies of literature, volumes of poetry, and biographies.[1] He is probably best known for his works on the historical development of literature.


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