Письма Уильяма Блейка/Джону Флаксману 12 сентября 1800
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[To] Mr[John] Flaxman, Buckingham Street,
Fitzroy Square
[Postmark: 2 o'clock 12 Sp. 1800] My Dearest Friend, It is to you I owe All my present Happiness It is to you I owe perhaps the Principal Happiness of my life. I have presumd on your friendship in staying so long away & not calling to know of your welfare but hope, now every thing is nearly completed for our removal [from]<to> Felpham, that I shall see you on Sunday as we have appointed Sunday afternoon to [ca]ll on M* Flaxman at Hempstead. I send you a few lines which I hope you will Excuse. And As the time is now arrivd when Men shall again converse in Heaven & walk with Angels I know you will be pleased with the Intention & hope you will forgive the Poetry.
these lines |
Be so kind as to Read & then Seal the Inclosed & send it on its much beloved Mission