Письма Уильяма Блейка/Томасу Баттсу 10 января 1802: различия между версиями

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(Новая страница: «To Thomas Butts 10 January 1802 Felpham Jan. 10. 1802 Dear Sir, Your very kind and affectionate Letter and the many kind things you have said in it, call'd upo…»)
Строка 6: Строка 6:
Your very kind and affectionate Letter and the many kind things you have said in it, call'd upon me
Your very kind and affectionate Letter and the many kind things you have said in it, call'd upon me

Версия 04:27, 22 ноября 2016

To Thomas Butts 10 January 1802

Felpham Jan. 10. 1802

Dear Sir,

Your very kind and affectionate Letter and the many kind things you have said in it, call'd upon me
