Апостол и дикие утки (Честертон)

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Апостол и дикие утки (сборник)
автор Гилберт Кийт Честертон
Язык оригинала: английский. Название в оригинале: The Apostle and the Wild Ducks. — Опубл.: 1952 (перевод). Источник: Честертон Г. К. Писатель в газете: Худож. публицистика. Пер. с англ. / Послесл. С. С. Аверинцева. — М.: Прогресс, 1984. — 384 с

Part I. In General

  1. A Sermon on Cheapness
  2. On Manners
  3. For Persons of the Name of Smith  //  В защиту человека по имени Смитпер. А. Ливерганта
  4. The True Vanity of Vanities
  5. Written in the Sand
  6. A Case of Comrades
  7. Something
  8. Asparagus
  9. The English Spirit and the Flea
  10. The Hobby and the Head Waiter
  11. In Praise of Pie
  12. Culture Versus Civilisation
  13. The Winter Feast
  14. They Tell a Story

Part II. Here and There

  1. Walking Tours
  2. The Blindness of the Sightseer  //  Слепота любителя достопримечательностейпер. А. Ливерганта
  3. The Aesthetes in the Kitchen Garden
  4. The Need of Personalities in Politics
  5. The Largest Window in the World
  6. The Apostle and the Wild Ducks
  7. Travellers' Joys
  8. Understanding France
  9. Salute to New York
  10. The British Beech
  11. Public Monuments

Part III. The Making of History

  1. Statues
  2. A Theory of Tyrants
  3. An Anecdote of Persecution
  4. The Return of Pageantry
  5. Rational History
  6. The Unknown Warrior
  7. William Penn and His Royalist Friends

Part IV. On Literature

  1. Ruskin: the Humorist
  2. Literature of Information
  3. Eulogy of Robin Hood
  4. A Plea for Hasty Journalism  //  За бойкое перопер. А. Ливерганта
  5. The Voice of Shelley
  6. The Great Translation
  7. Jane Austen's Juvenilia
  8. The Countrymen of Mary Webb and Thomas Hardy
  9. The Words of Strong Poetry
  10. The Refrain of the Rover

Part V. On Reflection

  1. What is Right With the World