Письма Уильяма Блейка/Джону Флаксману 12 сентября 1800

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Версия от 03:07, 9 марта 2015; Dmitrismirnov (обсуждение | вклад)
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11 t

[To] Mr[John] Flaxman, Buckingham Street,

Fitzroy Square

[Postmark: 2 o'clock 12 Sp. 1800] My Dearest Friend, It is to you I owe All my present Happiness It is to you I owe perhaps the Principal Happiness of my life. I have presumd on your friendship in staying so long away & not calling to know of your welfare but hope, now every thing is nearly completed for our removal [from]<to> Felpham, that I shall see you on Sunday as we have appointed Sunday afternoon to [ca]ll on M* Flaxman at Hempstead. I send you a few lines which I hope you will Excuse. And As the time is now arrivd when Men shall again converse in Heaven & walk with Angels I know you will be pleased with the Intention & hope you will forgive the Poetry.

To My Dearest Friend John Flaxman

these lines

I bless thee O Father of Heaven & Earth that ever I saw Flaxmans
Angels stand round my Spirit in Heaven. the blessed of Heaven are
my friends upon Earth
When Flaxman was taken to Italy. Fuseli was giv'n to me for a
And now Flaxman hath given me Hayley his friend to be mine such
my lot upon Earth
Now my lot in the Heavens is this; Milton lovd me in childhood &
shewd me his face
Ezra came with Isaiah the Prophet, but Shakespeare in riper years
gave me his hand
Paracelsus & Behmen appeard to me. terrors appeard in the Heavens
[Begin Page 708]
And in Hell beneath & a mighty & awful change threatend the
The American War began All its dark horrors passed before my
Across the Atlantic to France. Then the French Revolution
commencd in thick clouds
And My Angels have told me. that seeing such visions I could not
subsist on the Earth
But by my conjunction with Flaxman who knows to forgive Nervous
I remain for Ever Yours


Be so kind as to Read & then Seal the Inclosed & send it on its much beloved Mission