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Д. Смирнов: Композиторская биография / D. Smirnov: Composer's Biography • Е. Фирсова: Композиторская биография / E. Firsova: Composer's Biography |
6th December 2018 Norrköping, Sweden
- Norrköping Symphony, Mikhail Yurovsky, conductor
- Vadim Gluzman Violine / Johannes Moser Violoncello
- Jelena Firssowa Konzert für Violine, Violoncello und Orchester (UA – Auftragswerk des DSO)
3 June 2018, 3pm St Johns Smith Square, London
- I Musicanti at St Johns Smith Square, 2017-18: Alexandra and the Russians
- Tomo Keller, violin & Leon Bosch, double bass will play
- Dmitri Smirnov: Dialogues in the Dark
as well as
- Prokofiev: Quintet op 39, Alexandra Harwood: new work, Glinka: Septet
Torsdag 1 Feb, 2018, kl 19:00 NorrlandsOperan Operaplan 5 Umeå Sweden
- Haydns Symfoni nr 104, Londonsymfonin
- Elena Firsova Leaving
- Beethovens storartade violinkonsert
violinisten och dirigenten Kolja Blacher
Från 270 kr
21 January 2018 Culenburg NL Barbakerk (A)
28 January 2018 Bussum NL Mejallakapell (A)
- Dmitri Shostakovich (arr. by Dmitri Smirnov): Quartet No.8
- Domstad Blazers Ensemble
- Conducted by Leon Bosch
27/01/2018, 19:00 Riga, Great Guild
Musicians: Kolja Blacher, violin and concertmaster Sinfonietta Rīga
- Programme:
- Elena Firsova Leaving
- Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61, and Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68 (“Pastoral”)
- Price 10 - 25 €
10. November 2017, 20 Uhr in der Galerie des Weltecho, Kemnitz, Germany
- Torbjörn Lundquist „Bewegungen“ für Akkordeon und Streichquartett
- Sofia Gubaidulina „In Croce“ für Bajan und Violoncello
- Oswaldo Goliow „Tenebrae“ für Streichquartett
- Torbjörn Lundquist „Präludium“ für Akkordeon solo
- Uroŝ Rojko „Molitve“ (Gebete) für Akkordeon und Viola
- Elena Firsova „Dalla luce alla luce“ für
Akkordeon und Streichquintett
Nov 5 at 5 pm in Potsdam Museum the series is called Potsdamer Soireen
- Ensemble Incendo: Erik Larsson, Klarinette & String Quartet
- Dvorak, Firsova & Weber
- Elena Firsova: Clarinet Quintet
Oct 22 in Schwarzsche Villa in Berlin during a GEDOK concert
- Maacha Deubner, soprano
- Elena Firsova: Tristia-2
13th of September 2017, 7pm Royal Academy of Music, London David Josefowitz Recital Hall
- Hab ich verlernt! – a concert project
- Philip Herschkowitz – Four Pieces for Cello and Piano** – 1968 (6′)
- Philip Herschkowitz – Three Pieces for Cello and Piano** – c.1970 (5′)
- Anton Webern – Quartett – 1930 (7′)
- Herschkowitz/Haigh – Three Pieces* – 2017 (2′)
- Dmitri Smirnov – Abel – 1991 (11′)
- Herschkowitz/Smirnov – Three Pieces* – 2017 (2′)
- Robin Haigh – Verlernt* – 2017 (12′)
- *World Premiere **UK Premiere
- Performers: Flute – Michael Alampi, Clarinet – James Gilbert, Saxophone – Robert Laidlow, Violin – Andrew Xu, Cello – Sarah Gait, Piano – Thomas Ang/ Conductor – Robin Haigh
Wednesday, 9 August 2017 11.00am Ambleside Parish Centre, Vicarage Road, Ambleside LA22 9DH
- Lake District Summer Music
- Duruflé Trio
- Music of CPE Bach, Hahn, Debussy, Martinů, Arnold, Leclair, Duruflé &
- Elena Firsova Meditation in the Japanese Garden, Op.54 7¾’
Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017 16:00 Uhr Freden, Germany
- Jelena Firssowa Leaving op. 86 (1998) for string orchestra
- and also works by Tansy Davies, Michael Finnissy, Peter Tschaikowsky
- Conductor Adrian Adlam
30. June / 1. July 2017 8 pm
Philharmonie Berlin
- TUGAN SOKHIEV Conductor / Vadim Gluzman Violine / Johannes Moser Violoncello
- Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
- Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow Ouvertüre ›Russische Ostern‹
- Jelena Firssowa Konzert für Violine, Violoncello und Orchester (UA – Auftragswerk des DSO)
- Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky Symphonie Nr. 4 f-Moll
Samedi 17 juin a Scots Kirk,17,rue Bayard 75008 Paris a 20 heures
Anatole Liebermann avec Chantal Stigliani au piano. Au programme oeuvres de Miaskovski,Chostakovitch et
- Dmitri Smirnov. Tiriel for cello and piano
- Reservation au 0607945097.
14 юни, 2017 сряда 20:00 часа, Етнографски музей
- „От Бах до блуса”
- Йохан Себастиан Бах (1685 – 1750) – Прелюд от Партита № 3 за соло цигулка
- Стивън Браун (р. 1948) – Прелюд от „Огнена сюита” за соло цигулка
- Игор Стравински (1882 – 1971) – Вариация „Аполон” от балета „Аполон Мусагет”
- Дмитри Смирнов (р. 1948) – Две фуги
- Николо Паганини (1782 – 1840) – Капричио № 19
- Исак Албенис (1860 – 1909) – „Легенда” (“Астуриас”)
- Астор Пиацола (1921 – 1992) – Танго-етюди № 2, № 3, № 4 etc
- Под патронажа на акад. проф. д-р Димитър Димитров – Ректор на Висше училище по агробизнес и развитие на регионите – Пловдив, спонсор на Фестивала
27/05/2017 - 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Old House, Great Horkesley - Colchester
- CO6 4EQ United Kingdom
- Russian Music Here and Now!
- Music to include:
- 3 Poems of Osip Mandelstam – by Elena Firsova (1980)
- Sketches of Osip Mandelstam, by Dimitri Smirnov (2012)
- 3 Russian folksong arrangements for voice, cello and pf – Borodin and works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Balikirov/ Glinka. There will be an opportunity to talk to Elena Firsova and Dimitri Smirnov about their music.
9 Apr 2017 15:00 The Helicon Bellaghy, Northern Ireland
The Haw Lantern Concert
Daniela Bechly (soprano) & Alissa Firsova (piano)
- Rachmaninov, Elegie, op. 3, no. 1 & Études-Tableaux, op. 39, no. 5 for solo piano
- Dmitri Smirnov, Mandelstam Sketches, op. 169, 3 songs for soprano and piano (World Premiere)
- Tchaikovsky, Dumka, op. 59 for solo piano
- Elena Firsova, 3 Mandelstam Poems, op. 23 for soprano and piano
- Balakirev/Glinka, The Skylark for solo piano
- Rachmaninov, 3 Songs for soprano and piano
The Haw Lantern is the first of Seamus Heaney’s collections to acknowledge the influence of Eastern European poets such as Miroslav Holub, Zbigniew Herbert and Osip Mandelstam. Mandelstam was persecuted relentlessly by the Soviet regime, and his ideas about the ways in which writers can and should negotiate their own path through a highly charged political context spoke deeply to Heaney. To celebrate the Russian influence on The Haw Lantern, soprano Maacha Deubner and pianist Alissa Firsova perform works by Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky, together with settings of Mandelstam’s poems, including pieces by Firsova’s mother, Elena Firsova, and the world premiere of a piece written by her father, Dmitri Smirnov.
Torsdag April 6, 2017 kl. 19:30
- Songs for Bach in the Absence of Words - Elmira Darvarova
- Torsdag April 6, 2017 kl. 19:30 i
- LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, 2200 København N
- Dmitri Smirnov (1948) - FUGUE (1970) (Dansk førsteopførelse)
- 3 performances in Austria of
- Dialogue in the Dark for violin and double bass by Dmitri Smirnov,
- and Beethoven's Septet,
- played by Leon Bosch, double Bass, & Co.
30 March 2017 - St Mary's Church, Aylesbury
- Lunchtime Recital by The Duruflé Trio, 1pm
- The Duruflé Trio will perform:
- CPE Bach - Quartet (trio) in G major
- Elena Firsova - Meditation in the Japanese Garden
- Improvisations by The Duruflé Trio
- Bohuslav Martinu - Trio for flute, viola (cello) and piano
29 MARCH 13:00, St Peter's Church St Albans
- 29 MARCH 19:00 - 21:00 Godsmiths College, Deptford Town Hall,Council Chamber London
- 30 MARCH 19:00 - 21:00 Old Library of Pembroke college Cambridge
- Alissa Firsova and Anatole Liebermann Cello & Piano Recital
- The program includes:
- Grieg and Shostakovich Sonatas
- Bach/Fournier Chorale No. 1
- Dmitri Smirnov's "Tiriel" for Cello & Piano
Mon 27 March 2017, 5.45 pm. Peel Hall Salford, Manchester
- Dmitri Smirnov. Quartet-Passacaglia (String Quartet No. 9) WP
- played by members of the BBC Philharmonic
Mon 27 Feb 2017, 5.45 pm. Peel Hall Salford, Manchester
Chamber Music Salford: Piano Trio Date - Mon 27 Feb 2017
- Mendelsohn. Trio No. 1 Op. 8
- Dmitri Smirnov. Trio No. 1 Op. 23
- Shostakovich Trio No.1
Lisa Obert, vln, Jessica Schafer, vlc, Alissa Firsova, pf
Contact: Duncan Winfield
Saturday March 18 2017 6:00pm-7:45pm, 100kms West of Sydney’s CBD
- Katy Abbott Kvasnica, Egyptian Wish
- Mary Finsterer, Until…
- Elena Firsova, Far Away
- Martin Kaye, Shimmer and Shard#1,, Laughing Gas
Continuum Sax, Australia's premier saxophone quartet
Sat 25 Fev 2017, 5 pm Emmanuel Church Didsbury
Mendelsohn. Trio No. 1 Op. 8
- Dmitri Smirnov. Trio No. 1 Op. 23
- Shostakovich Trio No.1
- Lisa Obert, vln, Jessica Schafer, vlc, Alissa Firsova, pf
Wednesday 8 February, Rakhmaninov hall of the Moscow conservatoire, 19:00
Invocation of Spring: Music by Igor Stravinsky, Edison Denisov, Peteris Vasks, Olivier Messiaen etc.
- Dmitri Smirnov: Spectrum of Spring
Ensemble Studio for New Music, Conductor - Igor Dronov
45 Main Street Bellaghy BT45 8HT Telephone: 028 7938 7444 Email:
Tuesday 7 February, 1pm – “Miniatures” - Clare Simmonds (piano)
Borough New Music is holding Series 1 - four concerts celebrating the music of today, at St George the Borough Church, Borough High Street, SE1 1JA
Works by Tom Armstrong, Colin Riley, Graham Fitkin, Tim Cape, Will Handysides, Ian Mikyska, Janet Oates, Robert Percy, Caitlin Rowley, Toby Roundell, &
- Dmitri Smirnov - Sakura Sakura
31. Januar 2017, 10 Uhr Schülerkonzert auf der Hinterbühne der Oper Chemnitz
Das Konzert ist der Komponistin Sophia Gubaidulina (*24.Oktober 1931) zu Ehren ihres 85. Geburtstages gewidmet.
Music by Sofia Gubaidulina, Alexander Knaifel, Nikolay Popov &
- Elena Firsova: Klarinetteinquintett (UA im Dez. 2016 in Frankfurt a.M.)
- Regine Müller - Klarinette
- ensemble 01 (Andreas Winkler und Ruth Petrovitsch – Violinen, Ulla Walenta – Viola, Thomas Bruder – Violoncello) – Streichquartett
30. Januar 2017, 19 Uhr auf der Hinterbühne der Oper Chemnitz, Theaterplatz 2, 09111 Chemnitz
Das Konzert ist der Komponistin Sophia Gubaidulina (*24.Oktober 1931) zu Ehren ihres 85. Geburtstages gewidmet.
Music by Sofia Gubaidulina, Alexander Knaifel, Nikolay Popov &
- Elena Firsova: Klarinetteinquintett (UA im Dez. 2016 in Frankfurt a.M.)
- Regine Müller - Klarinette
- ensemble 01 (Andreas Winkler und Ruth Petrovitsch – Violinen, Ulla Walenta – Viola, Thomas Bruder – Violoncello) – Streichquartett